Friday, August 31, 2007

Summer Slips Out of Our Sweaty Hands...

This weekend marks the arrival of Labor Day and hence, the school year tradition of summer waving goodbye and autumn days announcing their impending arrival. But, wait - this is California and those fall clothes stay in the back of the closet a month or two longer, for, especially in this county, summer is at a peak in terms of heat. So, for now, Piper still wears sandals and sundresses to her new school, Evan and mama have a few more weeks to play in the pool, and Eric wears the year-round San Franciscan commuter uniform - business shirt, slacks and jacket...

Child perspective of where people go when they say "see you later" continues to remain a hilarious insight into such a form of pure childhood logic. Piper often sees her dad off to work via the ferry terminal, and as she also greets him at the ferry docks at the end of the day, her common sense kicks in when asked "where is your dad today?" This tow-headed two-year old takes very little pause for thought when answering "oh! Dada is at work, on the boat...he works on a boat! A REALLY big boat!!"

Consider this, there was once a little boy long ago who also made the same inference with a noggin just as blonde, if not more, and his father worked as a radio consultant, general manager, and virtually "fixed" what needed help at a variety of broadcasting companies...This father nutshelled the complexities of his career for his two year old before waving goodbye from the BART train, as "I fix radio stations." So, when asked where his dad was one day by peers, of course the tow-headed two-year old answered with as much logical hilarity as Piper's boat answer - " my dad fixes radios on a train..." Surprised that same tot grew up to be Piper's Godfather? We think not.

If only all adults networked with each other applying as much simple logic when attempting to further careers...But then again, what would remain so special about childhood if we never grew up?

***scroll down for new pics!***

Friday, August 24, 2007

Say What?!

Pi is on a mission these days. We've notice her current language acquisition objective is to use every word she hears others say in passing to create sentences of her own. Sounds like a boring observation of typical development, right?

Mind you, this is not to say that she utters typical salutations and thoughts on the weather. No, no, language expulsion from this tiny chatterbox appears to be an ecclectic version of combined English dialects and random topics of discussion. As we travel around California these past two weeks and come across different people from different cultures and creeds, Piper takes accents, slurs, slang and other types of utterances for a test drive. As parents, we are fast discovering that this little being can not only walk, run, hop, climb with her body, but also spout anything her ears pick up and her mouth formulates with varying degrees of volume.

For example, we thought it quite hilarious hearing a toddler from the backseat exclaim ( or yell rather) "What 'ta want? You know I love my peeebutter and crackers...And the moon! See the moon abody? What a beeeeeeoootiful day. Evan, you see the moon? Oh my! HI otters, I see you! But I eating my crackers right now, bye otters, okay...?" This was while driving along the coastal stretch of Highway 1 near Monterey on a day trip and the whole blurted moment from Piper happened with one breath and then she quietly went back to eating her peanut butter crackers silently.

Whispering is a fun new game ( and yes, we are trying to embelish its appeal!) Yelling is still a favorite volume of this two year old especially when we need her to be whispering and then of course when she gets louder as a moment desperately dictates the need for her to be very quiet, we throw our hands up and die laughing which sports a fun time for our toddler and three strikes against our parenting...But, then again we're all laughing (including Evan who simply laughs when others are laughing) and what harm can come from that? We won't be attending SF opera, ballet, or symphony performances anytime soon as a family.

Lately we've tried to take advantage of good health all around and the trailing last calendar days of summer with as many mini-vacations as we can muster. Highlights include the California state fair, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Monterey Bay, The Delta, and plans for Potter Valley as well as a a quick pop-in for hugs with Mickey and Minnie.

School starts for Piper in two weeks. Two days a week she'll be romping around with kiddos that probably have oodles to share in regards to language. We can't wait to hear Pi's version of what her friend had to say at school today.