Saturday, December 1, 2007

Twinkle Toes and Turkey Time

Thanksgiving Day Leftover Thoughts....

Piper started our Thanksgiving day off just right with a family jam session, and the little maistro insisted we do it on camera none-the-less. Truly this little blondie is patterning a love for music and audio/video production just like her godfather. All of us eagerly award her passion with on-demand performances at any time.

Then, we all sat down and gobbled, but sadly the turkey did no more. Evan enjoyed a bit of bread, some sweet potatoes, and applesauce; it was a big day for the little guy. Sitting up on his own with great strength and solitude, Evan is a few practices away from crawling triumph.

Currently, he attempts the stunt move of roll & wriggle all along the floor in order to somehow move around in circles, but by the smile of acheivement on his cute little face, you'd think he just ran a marathon in record time...(and according to him, he just did!)

Santa knows Pi and Ev exude goodness and naturally fall on the "nice list" as all children do. However, little did we know having two kids does wonders for mama's and dada's waistlines...Is it the continual chasing after babies or the fact that they are so sweet that we no longer reach for cupcakes? Hmmmmmm.....

****Advent starts this weekend! We look forward to a new year and new photos of our Christmas tree, Holiday festivities, and tons of Winter fun...****

Piper's answer to her baby brother's aprehension regarding wearing a bow and carrying a wand: "Ev, trust me - you look great! I'm your big sis and I knooooooow these things!"

Aerobesque Until Another day...

Wouldn't want to run into these tutus in a dark alleyway late at night....

Big day for such a little Ballerina...

Piper felt a solo coming on...

Future Sugar Plum Fairies in training...

Mess with his little girl, you'll answer to her dog. In the end, this you can be sure!

Same goes for messin' with the dog, the little girl has teeth as well!

Watching Peter Pan side by side, sibling bond brews...

"Party in my crib! Bring your friends! Life's too short to sleep, ever!"

Manual, old school form of photo shop...

Dada's response for Evan's eyes turning from baby blues to hazel...Mama is proud though!

Off for a wagon ride! As the cold moves in, hats on top and flip flops stay home.

I'm so vertical these days!! Radical notion....

"Yeah, my first cookie's okay...What took you guys so long to hand it over?"

"Yellowish-Orange mushy stuff...Tell me this gets better over time?"