Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jingle Jangle Jungle

So, we rang bells on Christmas morning and tooted horns on NYE. All in all, we made about as much noise as we usually do around here only with more of a traditional purpose, one might say.

Piper religiously counted down on her advent calendar each morning by greeting her parents with, "You know what number it is today? It is number (1-24) today! Almost 25!"

Little blue eyes lit up on Christmas morning was a huge treat for mama and dad. Being only 2 and half years old, this was the first real Christmas Piper was able to whole-heartedly experience with us. We left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Piper even wrote a thank you note for Santa Claus. Writing the thank you note prior to Santa's arrival and leaving it for him on Christmas Eve before this little one even received a single gift from the jolly old soul was both optimisitc and authentically Pi.

All we did was supply Piper Madison with paper and crayons, she informed us her letter said:

"Thank you Santa for coming to my house, please don't scare me in the dark. Thank you for all my presents. Evan likes presents too. Chaucer is fine, I already got him some. Okay, bye."

Man, we thought the Sunday comics, Monty Python, and plenty of Sandler or Stiller, held the key to our "happy thoughts" but Piper and Evan have an entire vault of good times we never imagined could feel this awesome!

It might be compared to the combination of a Dave Mathews Concert only 30 people knew about in the middle of Golden Gate park, eating Three Twins Ice Cream, skiing the softest Tahoe powder known to man, while watching Mavericks waves rise like King Kong high above Pacifica's shoreline and crash down so quietly, and somehow France would only be a few miles away by car, with New York a few miles past that... THAT impossible combination of utopia might even compare to a fraction of how much we enjoy these two little ones... but we doubt it!

Piper proudly struts a bit different now. Less bulk under the pants and a really fast boogie to the potty makes for one very happy family these days. Evan refused to be upstaged by such constant congratulatory fanfare and now quickly crawls right behind her with a new strut of his own.

With little girl using the potty without fail, and baby crawlin' all over the place, we are officially a household of chaos and bliss all rolled into one!

Happy 2008 to you!

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